Sunday, / February 23, 2025
Articles Filed Under “Features”
Review Essay: The Grammar of Women’s Spirituality
IN SEARCH OF THE GENDER-NEUTRAL It is now standard to include in book introductions a tedious apology for the lack of a graceful gender-neutral term…
In Remote Halifax, A Jewish Community Comes Into Its Own
( Nova Scotia’s most populated city with a Jewish community 1800 strong is far, far away from major centers of Jewish life. It’s an eighteen-hour…
A Million Mitzvahs . . . And Still Counting
( An unlikely band of boosters helped the Million Mitzvahs campaign reach its goal. AEPi sorority sisters, students at Hebrew Academy Day School and bar…
As Kosher Awareness Grows, More Make the Switch Even When Eating Out
( When Leslie Paskoff of Minnetonka, Minnesota, recently invited some friends to her kitchen table, it was a “going kosher” party. Guests peeled stickers off…
Matchmaking Online: Chabad Reps Give the Brides Away
( No longer is the matchmaker the village busybody who knew families and their foibles. Today’s Yenta is an algorithm whirring in a server miles…
While Jewish Birth Rates Lag Chabad Encourages Growing Families
Jewish People Policy Planning Institute reported that Jewish women in their 30s in the U.S. had about 1.2 children, while the general U.S. population checked…
Chabad of Greater Boynton To Expand and Open New Satellite Chabad Centers
( If the 400 guests at Sunday evening’s dinner celebrating the Bar Mitzvah year of Chabad of Boynton Beach were any indication, this community seems to…
Brazil: Chabad Activities Focus on Intermarriage Prevention
( Eduardo Rothschild I. Caras is grateful he was not among the 300 beachgoers stung by jellyfish in S. Paulo on Sunday.  The 15 year-old…
Good for the Palate, Good for the Soul: Kosher Cuisine Grows Up
( “I came to Iowa to campaign for Barak Obama, and ended up putting on tefillin for the first time.” Rabbi Yossi Jacobson recounts this…
Mayanot Yeshiva Opens Women’s Division in Jerusalem
( The graduating senior has had her last Chabad on campus Shabbat dinner; the birthrightisrael experience is over. But the idea is to keep that…
In Nuremberg: Jewish Community Works With Chabad To Restore Traditional Jewish Life
( Arno Hamburg, chairman of the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Nürnberg, remembers his bar mitzvah in Nuremberg’s liberal synagogue, but his memories of attending Orthodox services with his…
Feeling Jewish, Feeling Comfortable, On the Night of the 24th
For Jewish people, standing out on December 24th doesn’t mean standing alone. Chabad centers across the country fling open their doors, bringing Jewish people together…
Dnepropetrovsk Synagogue Automates Daily Charity-Giving
Those old tin can pushkas—collection boxes, sitting at the entrance to every shul, may soon be on their way out. The plastic’s good enough for…
Kosher Cooking Bible Turns Thirty, Inspires Lifestyle Changes
( Thirty years since it was first served up, Lubavitch women’s kosher cookbook has sold 160,000 copies worldwide. That’s no small potatoes. But it's for affecting…
A Jewish Burial, Even for Those Who Can’t Afford
( It’s expensive to die in the United States, and especially in California where real estate and population booms have jacked up funeral price tags…
While Tunisian Jewry Dwindles, Many Recall A Leader With Love and Awe
( In the eyes of census takers, the Jews of Tunisia are circling the drain. Since 1948, they’ve experienced a 99% population drop, with fewer…
Chabad Rabbi Represents Judaism at Singapore’s IRO
( When 10,000 individuals from different religious groups, including Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsein Loong, convened at the Singapore Expo last Sunday for a celebration…
Update: Chabad Raises Jewish Profile in Poland
In an event rich with implications for Jewish life in Poland, Chabad-Lubavitch introduced the tradition of Chanukah's menorah lighting to the Polish Parliament this Chanukah.…
Chabad to Light Menorah In Arvada
Following Sunday’s shooting spree that left two teenagers dead in Arvada, CO, the lights of the Chanukah Menorah—to be illuminated there for the first time,…
Chabad Celebrates Chanukah With Special Needs Children
Fifty children with various developmental delays and physical challenges and seventy-five teenage volunteer buddies will craft menorahs, played dreidel games and sing together at at…
Chabad Now In Goa
With the Arabian sea lapping gently at its coastline, Goa, on India’s western coast is a traveler’s paradise. Hardly indigenous to its landscape of sun…
Menorah-Topped Cars A Growing Trend
Like chocolate coins in plastic mesh bags, Chabad rabbis driving around with menorahs strapped atop their cars are familiar sights during Chanukah. A surprising trend…
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