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A Little Boy Who Lit up His Town
“Why is there no menorah in Chadwick Lake Park next to the tree?” five-year-old Brandon asked. His Dad was impressed by the kid's thoughtfulness, but…
By Ashira Weiss

When Kids Are The Lone Menorah
Jewish students at secular primary schools all over the country face daily challenges to their cultural and religious identities.
By Ashira Weiss

‘Disturbed’ Lead Vocalist Meets Chabad at the Kotel
Camera crews jostled with security personnel, reporters, and fans as heavy metal star David Draiman made his way across the plaza towards the Kotel (Western…
By Ashira Weiss

Eight Teens Awarded for Remarkable Leadership
Inaugural annual award spotlights teens who are making a difference in their communities
By Ashira Weiss

Florida Schools Set for Silent Start to the Day
Landmark bill passed with bipartisan support will mandate a moment of silence for 3 million public school kids.
By Ashira Weiss

Hope for Heroes in Rostov
Golda* was a toddler when peasants beat her parents during a pogrom in Rostov, Russia. A few years later she watched as Nazis rounded up…
By Ashira Weiss

A Warm Hug on a Cold, Lonely Street
About five years ago, I was diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), which causes thickening of the heart muscle.
By Ashira Weiss

Opening Chabad House Doors a Little Wider
An accessible Sukkah Mobile in Arkansas, sign language interpreters at Chabad events in Alabama, and in Virginia, a lowered bimah that allows people in wheelchairs…
By Ashira Weiss

Where the KKK Once Marched, a Thriving Jewish Presence
Earlier this month, the Jewish community in Forsyth County, Georgia, laid the cornerstone for the first Jewish establishment in an area where it once would…
By Ashira Weiss

Remembering Miracles and Tragedy Aboard Flight 232
Baruch she-asah li nes ba’makom hazeh. “Blessed is the One who performed a miracle for me in this place.” Yisroel Brownstein, a 40-year-old clinical psychologist,…
By Ashira Weiss

Mezuzah for Miami-Dade Mayor
Among the first orders of business for newly elected Miami Mayor Daniella Levine Cava was affixing a mezuzah to her office doorpost. The ceremony, on…
By Ashira Weiss

President of Germany’s High Court Kindles Chabad Menorah
Karlsruhe, Germany, seat of Germany’s Supreme Court and home to some 2,000 Jews, celebrated Chanukah this year, as every year, with distinguished leaders participating in…
By Ashira Weiss

Virtual Hugs for the Hospitalized
Rachel* clutched the package close to her chest, in her room at Morristown Medical Center. In the hospital for a month as she is treated…
By Ashira Weiss

Music, Light, and Love for US Troops
It began with a little music. Chaplain to the Iron Rangers and Rabbi on Post at Fort Riley Army Installation in North Central Kansas, Rabbi…
By Ashira Weiss

Four Brit Milot, Four Cities, Four Days
It was a whirlwind week for Rabbi Yossi Simon, director of the Chabad House of Golders Green in London, England. The rabbi, who is also…
By Ashira Weiss

Chanukah in the Time of Covid
In line with local COVID guidelines, Chabad communities around the world will be giving the 2,215-year-old traditions of Chanukah a 2020 twist.
By Ashira Weiss

In Orlando, Something to Celebrate
As COVID cases in their state spiked for a second time, Meir and Shawna Waizman wondered what more they could do to protect their friends…
By Ashira Weiss

New Shluchim to Lagos, Nigeria
When Rabbi Mendy and Mazal Sternbach met for the first time, they discovered they had matching stamps on their passports: both had spent time assisting…
By Ashira Weiss

NYU’s Longest COVID Patient Released
“This is the moment I have been praying for from the moment I woke up at NYU this summer,” said Rabbi Yudi Dukes, Thursday, appropriately,…
By Ashira Weiss

Turkey Dinners For Park City Homebound
It’s the day before Thanksgiving and the kitchen at the Bistro Kosher Deli in Park City, Utah is bustling. A team of volunteers, dressed in…
By Ashira Weiss

New Shluchim to San Fernando Valley, California
Rabbi Mendel and Sheva Rapoport were recently appointed to join the team at Chabad of the Valley in California. They will boost Chabad’s
By Ashira Weiss

Chabad Shluchim Conference Becomes World’s Longest Zoom Event
By now, it is in its 114th hour and still going strong!
By Ashira Weiss

Annual International Conference of Chabad Shluchim Opens Today
The 34th Annual International Conference of Chabad Shluchim opens today with 5,200 emissaries participating. Instead of taking place in New York this year, the four-day…
By Ashira Weiss

Planting Jewish Seeds in Atwater
Jonathan found a surprise on his doorstep. The sixty-year-old resident of Atwater Village, a suburb to the northeast of Los Angeles examined the gift basket…
By Ashira Weiss
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