Wednesday, / March 26, 2025
Posts by: Boruch Werdiger
20 Results
How To Chanukah
The Menorah On each of the eight nights of Chanukah, this year beginning December 25 through January 1, we light the menorah. Here, in a…
Above The Fray
Judaism is neither liberal, nor progressive, nor conservative. It is Judaism. It precedes all of these categories, cuts through them, and floats above them. The…
Judaism Unadorned
Style, Substance, and Sukkah Decorations
Counting Days
As we count the weeks and months since the deep traumas of October 7, the practice of Sefirat HaOmer offers insight
The Annotated Seder Plate: Insights, Tidbits, and Fun Facts
Haggadah Since escaping Egypt, the Jewish people have celebrated Passover by telling the story of the Exodus. Over time, the story became more formal and…
Once A Jew
How far gone is too far gone?
Machzor Marginalia
Between the lines, at the High Holiday services
Why I Choose A Yeshiva Education For My Children
For all its shortcomings and insularity, it is what I want for my children.
Coming Back From Cancellation
The notorious practice of “cancellation” suggests that our society has forgotten how to forgive, and how to make amends. What is the Jewish perspective? Here…
Let My People Know!
Torah study isn’t just for school, or only in the shul. It isn’t limited to a particular age or stage in life, nor to a…
Haggadah Marginalia
The Haggadah is one of those oceanic Torah texts. It invites continual return and reengagement, as we come back each year at the seder, to…
Make It Holy: The Uses And Abuses Of Shabbos
Since the advent of the 40-hour week, we haven’t had to work on Shabbos. What, then, is the Day of Rest for?
A Man of the People in the City of Mystics
Teacher, preacher, proto-Chasidic outreacher? How Rabbi Moshe Alshich’s new approach to Torah teaching in sixteenth-century Safed prefigured the Chasidic movement two centuries later and half…
Home Alone on the Holidays
For many of us, the High Holidays will look quite different this year. This year, we are called upon to lead those services ourselves, to…
Tradition, Tradition!
Is Judaism too ritualistic?
A Nation is Born
A family? A race? A religion? How do we define Jewish peoplehood? Does it matter?
To Pray Alone: Days of Awe in the Age of Covid-19
Marc Zell was used to traveling, just not like this. The American-Israeli is an international lawyer, and it was his work in political consulting that…
Pandemic And Priorities
Hospitals agonize over the allocation of limited medical supplies; city officials weigh the risk of an outbreak against the crushing cost of a prolonged lockdown.…
Marathon Man
Jeremy Cooper, 26, is “running” a marathon, leining every Shabbat for the next 1,000 weeks. Weekday mornings, the Columbia University MBA candidate will get his…
Black Fire, White Fire
Although it’s a staple of the synagogue service, the reading of the Torah remains something of a mystery to many. Here’s an up-close look at…
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