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A Leap Of Growth, With More Room To Grow
Chabad of Naperville Celebrates Grand Opening and New Youth Directors
By Noa Blokh

Chabad House In A Car
Rabbi Saadya Kaufmann, director of Chabad of Texas Towns, runs his Chabad house from the driver’s seat of his car.
By Noa Blokh

A Personal Rabbi, A Personal Home
The two towns of Portola Valley and Woodside, California are peaceful, rural neighborhoods, located hip to hip, known for their rugged beauty and scenic country…
By Noa Blokh

Kugel for Culinary Students?!
New Shluchim to the Culinary Institute of America and Marist College
By Noa Blokh

Torah Learning for College Students, Redefined
New JewishU program offers high-quality Torah courses
By Noa Blokh

Planting Life in the Desert of Arizona
New Shluchim arrive to downtown Phoenix
By Noa Blokh

Pop-Up Deli Serves up Sourdough Goodness
Customers eat for a cause at this deli, supporting the Friendship Circle adults who help run the pop-up
By Noa Blokh

Kidpreneurs Experience the Gift of Giving
Friendship Circle of Brooklyn just concluded a week-long fundraising campaign which was conducted entirely by children.
By Noa Blokh

CKids Gan Israel Camp Doubles in Size
After last year’s inaugural pilot session, CKids Gan Israel doubled this year in size and duration.
By Noa Blokh

The New Newark
A Jewish City of Yesteryear Welcomes New Shluchim
By Noa Blokh

Chabad UG At Duke Purchases Bankrupt Hotel
Chabad UG at Duke’s new building is a historic boutique hotel
By Noa Blokh

A Year of Firsts in Rockwall, Texas
New Shluchim help the town celebrate its first bar mitzvah
By Noa Blokh

From Meadows to Metropolis in Northern Toronto
It was with a poignant sense of deja vu, on a chilly afternoon this spring, that Rabbi Zalman and Esty Grossbaum welcomed guests to a…
By Noa Blokh

Torah on the Blockchain: The First-Ever NFT Torah
NFTs are sizzling hot now in the tech world, and for the first time ever, the Torah is available in NFT form.
By Noa Blokh

Jewish Pride on the Field
Chabad at UCF Celebrates Students’ Soccer Victory
By Noa Blokh

Jewish Speed Dating Gone Virtual
One thousand five hundred participants sign up to meet their match
By Noa Blokh

A Final Resolution
Only days before thirty year-old Amit Biran and most of his family would die in a tragic accident, he pledged to dedicate more time to…
By Noa Blokh

Chabad at UofM Hosts Intimate Graduation Ceremony
When the University of Minnesota announced that there would be no in-person commencement, Chabad organized a ceremony for students and their families.
By Noa Blokh

Chabad of Ashkelon: PRAY FOR THE CHILDREN!
Stress and trauma levels surge in city under siege
By Noa Blokh
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