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Chabad of Palo Alto Showcases $6 Million Expansion
Chabad-Lubavitch of the Greater South Bay area kicked off a $6 million building project with a celebration concert last week at the Oshman Family Jewish…
By Mendy Rimler

Chabad in Utah Reaches Out to Troubled Teens
Rabbi Benny Zippel has touched hundreds of teens in various residential treatment centers through Project H.E.A.R.T (Hebrew Education for At-Risk Teens). He hits the road…
By Mendy Rimler

Educators Announce New Anti-Bullying Program
A new anti-bullying program titled Defeat The Label (DTL) was announced at the annual Friendship Circle conference last week in West Bloomfield, MI.
By Mendy Rimler

Yale Alum Donates $1 Million to New Chabad Building
Though launching a $6 million dollar capital campaign during an economic downturn presents an obvious challenge, Rabbi Shua Rosenstein at Chabad of Yale is seeing…
By Mendy Rimler

Philanthropist Bogolubov Celebrates Birth of Grandson By Giving
In honor of the birth of his grandson, Jewish philanthropist Mr. Gennady Bogolubov will give $500 to every Chabad representative. Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky of Lubavitch…
By Mendy Rimler

Bradenton, FL: Chabad Purchases Five Acres as Jewish Life Grows
Bradenton’s Jewish community will finally enjoy a permanent address and a new, comprehensive facility that will allow it to grow and enjoy greater programming and…
By Mendy Rimler

Laying the Groundwork: Chabad in Canberra to Open New Mikvah
After more than half a century with no rabbi, no Jewish school or kosher butcher in town, Canberra’s 2000 Jews are beginning to see change.
By Mendy Rimler

Chabad Reps Assist Jewish Community Members After Brisbane Floods
Chabad representatives in Brisbane, Rabbis Levi Jaffe and Chanoch Sufrin worked quickly over the last few days to establish contact with members of the Jewish…
By Mendy Rimler

Argentina: Opportunities for Jewish Engagement Make Small Dents in Intermarriage
There are a quarter of a million Jews in Argentina today. But “seven out of ten are dating non-Jews, and the rate of intermarriage is…
By Mendy Rimler

Jewish Life at Yale Grows As Chabad Expands
Until the early 1960’s, Yale University employed a quota restricting Jewish enrollment to about ten...
By Mendy Rimler
Eilat Community, Israeli Dignitaries, Dedicate New Chabad Centre
After years of building, a new Chabad centre in Eilat, Israel opened Monday. Rabbi Levi Hecht, director of the new center was joined in a…
By Mendy Rimler

Stranded Travelers at Chicago O’Hare Get Kosher Meals
More than 200 flights have been canceled at O’Hare Airport in Chicago after a massive snowstorm barreled into the Mideast Sunday, leaving 1,700 travelers stranded…
By Mendy Rimler
Despite Anti-Semitism on UK Campuses, Jewish Activity Gains Momentum
Twenty six men and women, Chabad Shluchim representing almost every major campus in the UK, met earlier this week to discuss vital issues confronting Jewish…
By Mendy Rimler

Chabad To Open in Haight Ashbury
Haight-Ashbury in San Francisco was ground zero of the counterculture movement in the 1960’s when the neighborhood welcomed the hippies and flower children of the…
By Mendy Rimler

Albania Jewish Community Installs Chief Rabbi
With a small Jewish population of 150 but a long history of Jewish life, Albania finally has a Chief Rabbi to call their own.
By Mendy Rimler

Jewish Teens Learn Jewish Pride
300 Cteens in Miami, Florida met at American Airlines Arena for a Chanukah bash and a Miami Heat game, and then got to shoot hoops…
By Mendy Rimler

Canadian PM Harper Hosts Chanukah Party
“We are delighted that you could all come to my home today,” Harper said at the party. “This is the first time the Prime Minister’s…
By Mendy Rimler

Judea Lives: The Story of A Chanukah Menorah
It was the eighth night of Chanukah in Kiel, Germany, a small town with a population of 500 Jews. That year, 1931, the last night…
By Mendy Rimler

Agreement Allows Kosher Poultry Slaughter in New Zealand
The agreement, which came in advance of a trial due to begin Monday is a relief for Jewish communities in New Zealand, says Rabbi Mendy…
By Mendy Rimler
A Renovated Mikvah for Mumbai’s Jewish Community
The recent work on the Mikvah, which was funded by local business people, is part of the Gechtman’s efforts to resume the work of the…
By Mendy Rimler

Schottenstein Chabad Center To Open in Columbus, Ohio
Residents of historical New Albany, Ohio will soon welcome the Lori Schottenstein Chabad Center for a Jewish Tomorrow, a stately Georgian structure located in the…
By Mendy Rimler

Jewish Kids in Action (JKA) Brings Tradition Alive to Children in Uruguay
When the lights at the Kehila Theatre dim Wednesday morning, it will be show time for some 500 Jewish school children..
By Mendy Rimler

Family First: Chabad Conference Focuses on the Jewish Home
Despite chilly temperatures blowing off the New York Harbor Sunday evening, the ambience at the Gala Banquet of the International Conference of Chabad Shluchim was…
By Mendy Rimler

Despite Disabilities, A Young Couple Finds Love at Mayanot Birthright Israel
When Zak Khazanovich was in middle school, he once drew up a list of goals he planned to reach in the future...
By Mendy Rimler
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