Tuesday, / March 18, 2025
Posts by: N. Margolis
4 Results
8th Day Sings With Chabad for The Children at CBS
Some 350 people from Studio City and its neighboring areas showed up Sunday evening at the CBS Studio Center for a Chabad sponsored Community Concert…
Young Readers, Jewish Day Schools, Gear Up for Kehot’s (Chabad) 2007 Book-A-Thon
The 21 days from November 4-25 promise to be quiet ones for Jewish children around the world who have signed up for the Kehot Book-A-Thon.…
Inside Chabad: A Big Brother Program To Nurture Children of Shluchim
Zevi and Levi Feldman, ages 10 and 12 are brothers. They're also best friends. The boys live with their parents, Rabbi Mendel and Basya Chana…
In Small Brazilian Neighborhood, One Thousand March With Chabad Rabbi To Tashlich
Home of soccer and Carnival, religion does not usually take center stage in Sao Paulo, Brazil. But this Rosh Hashana saw of hundreds of Jews…
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