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Groundbreaking at Kansas Chabad Torah Learning Center
“We’re finally getting the women out of the kitchen” said Victor Bergman, a prominent Kansas attorney and Chairman of the Lubavitch Torah Learning Center in…

Chabad Rally Rabbi Scores at Giants Game at AT&T Park
Quick: What did the S. Francisco Giants give away during last Wednesday’s Jewish Heritage Night at AT&T Park? Would you believe a shofar-blowing bobblehead, bearing…

Jewish Pride Night With the Fisher Cats
A first-ever kosher food concession at the Stadium, in Manchester, New Hampshire, supervised by Chabad, served kosher hot dogs, hamburgers, falafel and other goodies…

Chabad of NOVA Celebrates Sixteen Years
When Chabad of Northern Virginia celebrated their 16th anniversary with a black-tie dinner and concert, two weeks ago, more than 350 people came to pay…
Turning Up The Heat at the NBA Finals
It was a night of miracles. The American Airlines Arena in Miami was jam-packed this past Tuesday as the NBA ‘06 finals went into game…
A Bar Mitzvah Year for Jewish Life North of Boston
The music is throbbing; the drums pound to a crescendo as the capacity crowd at the Coolidge Theatre in Brookline, Massachusetts rise to their feet…
Contemporary Conundrums Addressed at Conference on Judaism and Medicine
Terminal Care and the Terri Schiavo Case; Embryonic Death and the Creation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells; Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Terrorism and Sexuality and…
Post Tsunami Pesach in Thailand
It is 5:00 a.m. and dawn has not yet broken in Bangkok. The typically teeming streets are bathed in the stillness of morning and there…
A Palpable Passover Experience
“We wanted the children of our community to experience a virtual Pesach and become one with the Passover story,” says Rabbi Chayim Friedman. Friedman, the…
Restored Torahs Give New Life
It’s a match made in heaven. The “bridegrooms” are old Torah scrolls from defunct synagogues; scrolls that stand unused and forlorn in their lonely arks…
Chanukah Festivities from the Sublime to the Spiritual
“I have a little dreidel, I made it out of clay And when it’s dry and ready, oh dreidel I will play . . .…
New Chabad House at Florida International University
Chanukah came early this year for the Jewish students and faculty at Florida International University – one of America’s most dynamic institutions of higher learning…
Chanukah On The River
Remembering to light the menorah in the city that gave birth to “Remember the Alamo” is getting easier every year. Thanks to a unique collaboration…
New Center in Bucks County
“If there is any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and…
Hundreds of Jewish Students To Celebrate Shabbat at USC
What student apathy? Although college students did not pack the voting booths in the record numbers expected by political pundits, there is no lack of…
Richmond Celebrates New Mikveh
“A mikveh is the most vital institution in Jewish life. It takes precedence over the building of a synagogue or the writing of a Torah…
From Izbiza to Mequon: Jewish Life Triumphs
A rock from the rubble of a synagogue destroyed by the Nazis in Izbiza, Poland more than a half century ago, has become the cornerstone…
Hundreds Braved Ivan To Get To Rosh Hashana Services
“Man is likened to a broken potshard, to withering grass, to a fading flower, to a passing shadow, to a vanishing cloud, to a blowing…
Of Hurricanes And Heroes
The images are familiar by now: windswept beaches, swaying palms, and miles of cars moving at a snail’s pace as their frightened passengers flee the…
A Tale of Two Camps
There are hundreds of them around the world, with tens of thousands of campers. When the sun is at its zenith in every major city…
Tefillin On First!
Can a proud Jew and a pair of tefillin affect the outcome of a World Series game? Rabbi Moshe Feller, director of Chabad Lubavitch of…
From Israel to Ottawa, With Love
Americans have always sent care packages to Israel, but in a reverse twist, Camp Gan Israel in Ottawa, Ontario recently received a wonderful “care” package…
Rabbi Returns to Roots in Mid-Suffolk Chabad
“Like father like son” goes the old adage and no where is it more appropriate than in this transfer of directorship from a father to…
Jewish Academy of Suffolk to Open in Commack
When the school bell rings to mark the first day of school this September in Commack, New York, it will be a historic red letter…
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