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Celebrating Judaism in a Changing Europe
According to Prof. Robert S. Wistrich, head of Hebrew University's Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Anti-Semitism, the Jews of Europe must brace…
By E.J. Tansky

Young Energy Magnate Promises ‘Taking Care of Chabad A Priority’
( Shattered by the murders in Mumbai, one energy magnate is picking up the pieces by making a significant contribution to a Florida Chabad center.…
By E.J. Tansky

Rocking With Chabad At Sziget’s Summer Festival
( For twelve years, fans have paused in their rock, punk, and reggae binge at one of Europe’s largest summer music festivals and lined up…
By E.J. Tansky

Books: On The Chabad Chasidic Wedding
( A mysterious part of the Chasidic Jewish wedding ceremony became a lot easier to understand with a new publication from Chabad-Lubavitch’s publishing house. At…
By E.J. Tansky

Jewish Identity, Jewish Life, Grows Vibrant in Bulgaria
( Three milestones of Jewish revival in Bulgaria were feted in grand style by dignitaries, the Chief Rabbi of Israel and hundreds of well wishers…
By E.J. Tansky

Chabad To Open Kosher Restaurant in Christchurch, NZ
( A kosher restaurant in the Christchurch, NZ? You bet, says Chabad’s Rabbi Mendy Goldstein of New Zealand. For Israeli backpackers who tromp the country’s…
By E.J. Tansky

Chasidic 1906 Treatise On Divine Service Now In Translation
( Is there a point to keeping the commandments if their logic is not clear? A new translation and annotation of a 102-year-old Chabad Chasidic…
By E.J. Tansky

New Hagaddah For Russian Jews Who’ve Outgrown Communal Passover Seders
( As the director of Friends of Refugees from Eastern Europe, Chabad-Lubavitch Rabbi Yossie Mishulovin has seen Michigan’s estimated 5000 Russian Jews grow in sophistication…
By E.J. Tansky

Chabad of Arizona Reaches Out . . . To Everyone
( Hotel rooms in Glendale, AZ, have been booked for months. Superbowl madness is running high in the Arizona town that’s home to the big…
By E.J. Tansky

A Million Mitzvahs . . . And Still Counting
( An unlikely band of boosters helped the Million Mitzvahs campaign reach its goal. AEPi sorority sisters, students at Hebrew Academy Day School and bar…
By E.J. Tansky

Kosher Cooking Bible Turns Thirty, Inspires Lifestyle Changes
( Thirty years since it was first served up, Lubavitch women’s kosher cookbook has sold 160,000 copies worldwide. That’s no small potatoes. But it's for affecting…
By E.J. Tansky

Chabad Conference Initiatives: Jewish Adult Education Goes Online
If online MBA programs and YouTube got together and had a smart Jewish baby, it would probably bear a striking resemblance to Chabad-Lubavitch’s newborn distance…
By E.J. Tansky

Hundreds of Weary Firefighters Sleep, Shower, Regroup at Chabad
Streams of firefighters caked in soot and sweat made their way up to Camp Gan Israel at Chabad of Running Springs, where they found food,…
By E.J. Tansky

On Campus with Chabad at UW: No Matzah Ball Soup Here
Chabad on Campus at University of Washington has a new home, room for seventy guests on Shabbat dinner, a library and a joint project with…
By E.J. Tansky
Local Government Funds Chabad School In Siberia
Why would the government of an obscure oblast choose to fund the building of a brand new Or Avner Chabad School in a distant Siberian…
By E.J. Tansky

On Campus: Chabad Makes Its Relevance Known To A New Crop of Students
Beginning with a bang is a feat campus Chabad centers strive to pull off every year. Unlike synagogues or Jewish centers serving stable city or…
By E.J. Tansky

Chabad Rabbi Informs Court Decision on Kosher Privileges for Inmates
Chabad of New Hampshire’s Rabbi Levi Krinsky showed up at U.S. District Court in Concord, New Hampshire, to offer moral support to Albert Kuperman, a…
By E.J. Tansky

A New Home for One of FIU’s Largest Student Organizations
With a few swift taps of a hammer Chief Rabbi of Israel Yona Metzger affixed the mezuzah yesterday, Sunday, on the new home of Chabad…
By E.J. Tansky

Yeshiva Study Program For Jewish Inmates
Swaying as he pores over a translation of the Talmud, parrying questions with more questions posed to his rabbi, Jonathan, paunchy and silver-haired at 52,…
By E.J. Tansky

Chabad House in Russia Target of Anti-Semitic Threats
At twilight on December 26, unidentified thugs plunged a swastika-engraved dagger through a note that threatened: “We should kill the Jews or teach our children…
By E.J. Tansky

As the Last Day of Chanukah Nears, Lights Grow More Intense
Cautiously conservative estimates put the number of Chabad’s Chanukah events and menorahs worldwide at 2,600. This number, based on events listed on Chabad websites and…
By E.J. Tansky

International Conference of Shluchim Convenes
They are angels in black coats for the downtrodden and broken. Doctors treating the ills of faded Jewish values. PR men, ice cream scoopers, school…
By E.J. Tansky

Where Lenin Was Born, A Rebirth of Jewish Life
Every day Rabbi Yossi Marozov passes Lenin’s birthplace, elementary school and high school on his way to his new Chabad center in Ulyanovsk. “I think…
By E.J. Tansky

Open Door Policy Draws Newcomers To Shul
Sometimes it takes 40 years for Chabad’s open door, no tickets required policy on the High Holidays to bear fruit. At Debbie’s Luncheonette on Troy…
By E.J. Tansky
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