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Waterford, Michigan Welcomes its First Synagogue
Waterford, Michigan, is a 25-minute commute from the nearest synagogue. Too far for local Jews–many who grew up in urban Detroit with Jewish traditions. Enter…
By Leibel Kahan

New Opening in Martinique
Martinique, a French island in the Caribbean with a rich and often overlooked Jewish history, is looking forward to a new boost in Jewish life.…
By Leibel Kahan

Jewish Professionals Meet Up in Singapore
They came from seventeen countries — including Cambodia, Taiwan, Israel, Australia, Austria, and the Netherlands—for a weekend in Singapore. “Encounters,” as the experience is called,…
By Leibel Kahan

New Haven Synagogue Turns 100
Despite the ebb and flow of changing demographics in the seacoast city of New Haven, Connecticut, the iconic Orchard Street Shul with its weathered brick…
By Leibel Kahan

Santa Fe Foodies Welcome Chabad’s Manhattan Avenue Deli
The aromas of fresh pastrami and homemade matzah ball soup wafting through the heart of Santa Fe, a city more known for its chile verde…
By Leibel Kahan

Trois-Rivières Historic Jewish Community Welcomes Chabad Center
Sometime during the height of the COVID pandemic, Rabbi Aaron Spiro posted an ad on Facebook — something that read along the lines of: “Are…
By Leibel Kahan

Finding the Hidden Jews of Brazil
Several summers ago, on the 7,000-mile “Southern Route,” a group of Chabad yeshiva students visited the city of Pelotas, Brazil, planning to spend Shabbat at…
By Leibel Kahan

Building Jewish Pride on the North Shore
Every few weeks, as the sun dips below the horizon on Friday night, casting a glow over the historic streets of Salem, Massachusetts, you might…
By Leibel Kahan
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