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Ties That Bind
On American college campuses, on street corners in Israel, and on Instagram, one ritual has emerged as a symbol of Jewish identity and shared experience.
By Sarah Ogince

A League of Their Own
What does Jewish life in the Ivies looks like now, and what it tells us about the Jewish future—on campus and off.
By Sarah Ogince

A League of Their Own
As the Supreme Court prepares to issue decisions in two cases challenging affirmative action, a flurry of articles, podcasts, and op-eds have looked back at…
By Sarah Ogince

Confronting Cancel Culture on Campus
As political discourse on campus approaches the point of no return, Jewish students and Chabad reps are mining their own argumentative tradition for guidance, inspiration,…
By Sarah Ogince

The New Day Schools
This fall, in the midst of the pandemic, four Jewish day schools opened in cities up and down the East Coast. Almost no one noticed.
By Sarah Ogince

A Judge and a Jew
Ginsburg, who passed away on September 18 at the age of 87, was memorialized as a brilliant jurist, a tireless advocate for women’s rights, and…
By Sarah Ogince

Perth, Australia: Where the Swan River Meets the Southwest Coast
One afternoon in early September, four young men stepped onto Trigg Beach, a haven for surfers just north of Perth, Australia. A spring storm was…
By Sarah Ogince

Two Universities React as Antisemitism Steps Out of the Shadows
While college administrators debate the limit of free speech, Chabad campus leaders take action. To Read The Full Magazine Story Log In Subscribe Subscriptions to…
By Sarah Ogince

Texas-Sized Hospitality At Chabad For Medical Patients And Their Families
Rabbi Lazer and Rochel Lazaroff take care of patients and their families who come for treatment to any of the twenty-one hospitals in Texas Medical…
By Sarah Ogince

From The Frat House to The Chabad House
Today, a third generation of Chabad representatives are serving Jewish students on American campuses. An alumnus of The University of Texas, Austin, Rabbi Zev Johnson…
By Sarah Ogince

In Venice, FL, a City of Seniors Establishes a Jewish Future
It’s got one of the most senior populations in the country. But growing up in Venice, Florida, the children of Chabad representatives are bringing new…
By Sarah Ogince

Drawing Lines of Private Space, Women Explore Jewish Intimacy
From April 18 to 26, Chabad representatives on Long Island will be celebrating the “Week of the Jewish Woman.” As society grapples with questions of…
By Sarah Ogince

When Politics and Religion Don’t Mix: Chabad at Oberlin College
This October, fliers calling for an end to “Jewish privilege” appeared all over the Oberlin College campus.Promoting Jewish observance in that kind of environment might…
By Sarah Ogince

Sacrilegious in Scandinavia
You could be forgiven for thinking that the bans on circumcision, kosher slaughter, and religious education are coming from the governments of Soviet Russia or…
By Sarah Ogince

Helping Seniors Get Cyber-Savvy
The Cyber-Seniors program began in 2009, when two teenage sisters noticed how much technology had improved their grandparents’ lives, allowing them to keep in closer…
By Sarah Ogince
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