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Congressman Ted Deutsch: Chabad Inspires Him to Speak His Conscience
Under a heavy downpour of rain, members of the Coral Springs Jewish community attended the August 13th opening of the Chai Chabad Center in Coral…
By Rosie Jacobs

Train Station To Auschwitz Now A Shelter for Refugees Fleeing ISIS
Ripped from their homes by the Nazis 70 years ago, 8,000 Jews were hauled to Stazione Centrale – Milan, Italy’s central train station – where…
By Rosie Jacobs

Knesset Reflects on Rebbe’s Legacy
On the occasion of the 21st yahrzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, opposition leaders gathered in the Israeli parliament to salute the…
By Rosie Jacobs

German Foreign Minister Meets With Chabad Community Leaders
The Menorah Jewish Center, the world’s largest Jewish community center, received Germany’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, Frank-Walter Steinmeier when he visited Ukraine, late last month.…
By Rosie Jacobs

Upscale and Kosher in Siberia
If he were alive today, Moshe Vishedsky would be incredulous. A pious Chabad Chasid, he suffered ten punishing years in a Siberian labor camp with…
By Rosie Jacobs

Nepal Crisis Worsens Following Second Quake
Still reeling from last month's major earthquake, Nepal was struck yet again Tuesday, this time by a 7.3 magnitude earthquake. The quake and its aftershocks,…
By Rosie Jacobs

Nepal Update
After days of exposure to the elements following Saturday’s 7.8 earthquake, 25 Israeli backpackers were airlifted to safety by Rabbi Chezki Lifshitz and volunteers who…
By Rosie Jacobs

Nepali Locals, Travelers, Find Food, Solace at Chabad
“Our greatest worry now is to make sure that anyone who comes to the Chabad House should have a hot meal,” the Chabad representative says.
By Rosie Jacobs

Nepal Jewish Leaders Appeal For Help As Crisis Deepens
“The country is devastated, buildings that once proudly stood are now rubble, streets that once were bustling are now deserted,” says the Chabad representative.
By Rosie Jacobs

Nepal Earthquake Survivors Flock To Chabad
In the midst of Shabbat morning prayers at the Chabad House in Kathmandu, Nepal, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit the country. The death toll is…
By Rosie Jacobs

Education Olympics Finalists Compete in Jerusalem
Sixty finalists of the Darkeinu Olympic Jewish heritage quiz were flown to Israel from countries in the Former Soviet Union for the final stage of…
By Rosie Jacobs
Kehot Publication Garners Benjamin Franklin Book Award
Daily Wisdom, an anthology of 378 lessons from the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, was the gold winner of the prestigious 2015 Benjamin Franklin…
By Rosie Jacobs

Children of Chabad Reps Deliver Winning Speeches in Federation of Greater Vancouver’s Contest
Taking lessons from contemporary life, the children of Chabad-Lubavitch representatives to Downtown Vancouver won top spots in the Public Speaking Contest Award of the Jewish…
By Rosie Jacobs

Historic California Ranch Acquired by Jewish Camp
“The ranch had outdoor components that would make it unique Jewish camp. There were goats, horses, a lake, large grounds and in close proximity to…
By Rosie Jacobs

A Measure of Jewish Pride: Germany’s Largest Mezuzah Gets Notice
“The reaction to anti-Semitism may be to hide our identity. But we need to wear our Judaism proudly,” says Rabbi Yehudah Tiechtel, executive director of…
By Rosie Jacobs

Mother of Autistic Child Promotes Inclusion, Kindness
“In 1964 this condition [autism] was virtually unknown, still in its infancy. I was overwhelmed, and unsure of how I would cope,” says Chana Sharfstein,…
By Rosie Jacobs
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