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Highest Civilian Honor For Chabad Rep in Kosovo
Chief Rabbi of Albania and Chabad representative to Thessaloniki and the Lower Balkans Rabbi Yoel Kaplan received a surprise award from Kosovo President Hashim Thaçi…
By Ashira Weiss

Bissli, Bamba and Bolognese Warm a Mother’s Heart
Ayelet Mamo Shay was feeling helpless. The Israeli businesswoman and author who lives in Gibraltar got word that her son, a university student in London,…
By Ashira Weiss

Ancient Scroll Sparks New Journey For Iranian Teen
It was about thirty years ago when an old Sephardic Jew named David Abtan walked into my office and said ‘Rabbi, I need a favor…
By Ashira Weiss

New Shluchim To West Bel Air, California
Rabbi Mendy and Dobie Mentz were recently appointed to establish a Chabad community in West Bel Air, Los Angeles.
By Ashira Weiss

Chabad Rabbi Becomes Colorado National Guard’s First Jewish Chaplain
At a small, socially distanced ceremony held last week in Colorado, Rabbi Yerachmiel Gorelik made history as he became the Colorado Army National Guard’s first-ever…
By Ashira Weiss

Cranberry Township, On The Precipice Of A Jewish Future
New Shluchim bring Jewish community to Pittsburgh suburb
By Ashira Weiss

New Center For Chabad At Oberlin
New Chabad center is first permanent Jewish presence in Ohian city
By Ashira Weiss

Creative Beginnings: Rosh Hashana 2020
What is Chabad around the world doing for Rosh Hashanah?
By Ashira Weiss

After a Dreary Summer, a Ray of Sun
When she opted to study musical theatre in England at Chichester College, Las Vegas native Jessica Plummer didn’t envision spending this summer alone and under…
By Ashira Weiss

Idaho: The Gem State
Think Idaho, and you’re likely to envision potatoes. While the state’s potato crop comprises around one-third of the national yield, Idaho’s draw lies in its…
By Ashira Weiss

Gateway To The Galapagos
Bitten by the travel bug? Flying is not what it used to be--not since the pandemic. Thankfully, there’s still virtual travel. Join us each #TravelThursday…
By Ashira Weiss

Mental Health Support and Memorial in Mineola
Rabbi Anchelle Perl has officiated at what he called “an inordinate amount” of funerals since the coronavirus pandemic began.
By Ashira Weiss

Fire at UD Chabad Ruled Arson
Authorities have ruled that Tuesday night’s fire at the Chabad Center for Jewish Life at the University of Delaware in Newark, Delaware, was intentionally set.…
By Ashira Weiss

Gone To Ghana
Bitten by the travel bug? Flying is not what it used to be--not since the pandemic. Thankfully, there’s still virtual travel. Join us each #ThursdayTravel…
By Ashira Weiss

Four Babies And An 11-Year-Old Brit in Hong Kong
Community navigates pandemic regulations to import mohel from Israel
By Ashira Weiss

Out West in Wyoming
Bitten by the travel bug? Flying is not what it used to be--not since the pandemic. Thankfully, there’s still virtual travel. Join us each #ThursdayTravel…
By Ashira Weiss

Standing Up To Antisemitism In The Bluegrass State
When a Kentucky rabbi found himself the target of a white supremacist last week, he vowed not to be intimidated.
By Ashira Weiss

A Jewish School Beyond Borders
Sixth-grader Hadasa Perez has never met her teacher. Or her classmates. Yet, while parents, teachers, and children around the world are flailing like fish out…
By Ashira Weiss

Blowing Into Newfoundland!
Bitten by the travel bug? Flying is not what it used to be--not since the pandemic. Thankfully, there’s still virtual travel. Join us each #ThursdayTravel…
By Ashira Weiss

Rabbi Dukes Conscious and Communicating
Borough President recognizes Rabbi hospitalized since March from COVID19
By Ashira Weiss

It’s Grenada, Not Granada!
Bitten by the travel bug? Flying is not what it used to be—not since the pandemic. Thankfully, there’s still virtual travel. Join us each #ThursdayTravel…
By Ashira Weiss

New Shluchim to Erie, PA
Just as soon as coronavirus restrictions ease up, Chabad will open in Erie, Pennsylvania. Rabbi Dovie and Mushkie Kivman will move from their home in Brooklyn to serve…
By Ashira Weiss

Chicago Teens Paint The Town
Thirty-five Skokie teens who have been cooped up at home for the last four months had an opportunity to get their creative juices flowing recently.
By Ashira Weiss

A Final Passage, From China to Israel
A Jewish man dies alone in Suzhou, China. Chabad engages an international effort to prevent cremation and bring his body for burial to Israel. To…
By Ashira Weiss
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