Sunday, / March 9, 2025
Posts by: Baila Olidort
274 Results
Thousands Explore Jewish Life At International Moscow Book Fair
The 17th International Book Fair in Moscow came to a close today after giving some 10,000 Jews the opportunity to peruse books of Jewish interest.…
Jewish Communities in Russia Mourn Loss of Plane Crash Victims
As Russia observes an official day of mourning for the 89 people who died in the dual airplane crash earlier this week, leaders of the…
Transforming the Educational Experience: Teachers and Schools For The Individual
It’s a quandary as old as the institution of formal schooling itself, the lament of teachers and the bane of students. Nowhere are the needs…
Cornerstone Laid for a Chabad High School for Girls in Haifa
By the time this suburb of Haifa will have completed construction on its education complex, more than 2,000 students will be commuting daily from cities…
Rabbinical Students Embark On World Tour
Shelby, Montana, with a population of 3,000 and, at most, a handful of Jews, is not high on the priority list of any Jewish organization.…
Rabbi Steinsaltz on the Rebbe: He Wanted to Change Human Nature
Among the many events marking the 10th yahrzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, was a lecture by Rabbi Adin (Even- Israel) Steinsaltz at the John F.…
Ten Years Later: Editorial
The occasion of 10th yahrzeit (3 Tamuz—this year corresponding to Tuesday, June 22) of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, has generated generous media…
Mitzvahs At The Cannes Film Festival
It’s all glitz and glamour at the Cannes Film Festival where the red carpet is rolled out for purveyors of the imaginary. Yet even here,…
Children Celebrate in Israel
Breaking into a seven week stretch of no holidays, weddings or live music celebrations, Lag B’omer was celebrated yesterday by Jewish children in cities and…
Seders Around the World
It is by all means, a massive undertaking, bold and ambitious in terms of scope and size, and, some might say, impractical. But hoping to…
Honoring The Rebbe’s Birthday
The 11th of Nissan, this year corresponding to April 2, marks the 102nd birthday of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory.…
Shabbat 1,000
The ads and flyers posted all over campus read, “Do Something Special, Celebrate Shabbat With 1,000 of Your Closest Friends.” For hundreds of Binghamton University’s…
New Jewish Community Center Opens in Florida
Four years after a fire destroyed the local Chabad House, this Jewish community (pop. 10,000) in West Broward is preparing to dedicate a magnificent 16,000…
New Chabad-Lubavitch Yeshiva High School In Westchester Appoints Dean
The appointment of Rabbi Dr. Chaim Dovid Kagan as Dean of the Lubavitch Yeshiva High School in Westchester, was made official earlier today by Rabbi…
Munich’s Jewish Community Celebrates
“No other Jewish initiative has enriched the Jewish community of Munich as much as the activities of Chabad,” said Mrs. Charlotte Knobloch, Vice President of…
Jewish Revival In Lithuania
Chief Rabbi of Lithuania, Sholom B. Krinsky, likes to tell the story of a Torah scroll that survived the Holocaust. Several years ago, on a…
International Women’s Conference
“We can do the impossible” was the message implicit in every line spoken at last night’s banquet dinner of the International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Shluchos.…
After 70 Years, Torah Scrolls Find Their Rightful Place
The relationship between the People of the Book and the Book has few parallels anywhere outside of Judaism. The Torah is said to be the…
Europe Today: A New Era For Jewish Life
Traditional Jewish life is burgeoning in Europe. Whole Jewish communities who last saw the light of day in the 1940s are rising up from the…
In Retrospect: 55 Years Ago Today
Today is a special date on the Hebrew calendar that brings thousands of visitors to the resting place of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M.…
Four Days In February
Sara Blumenfeld is making last minute arrangements before she leaves to New York for the Annual International Conference of Shluchos (Chabad women emissaries)February 11-16. It’s…
Chabad Representatives of Tuscon in White House
Chabad-Lubavitch representative of Tuscon, Arizona, Rabbi Yossi Shemtov, who is also the pulpit rabbi of the Chabad at Young Israel synagogue in Tuscon, and his…
France President Chirac: Close Ties To Chabad-Lubavitch
“I maintain a warm, personal and outstanding relationship with the people of Chabad-Lubavitch,” said France’s President Jacques Chirac on Tuesday while addressing a group of…
In Support of Jewish Children: Clinton, Pataki, Guiliani . . .
More than 600 guests turned out in support and celebration of the realization of a dream at last night’s Jewish Children International Tzivos Hashem dinner.…
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