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An Astronaut’s Legacy
In the wake of the shuttle Columbia’s tragic end, so many persistent, painful questions—the whys and wherefores surrounding events of February 1st—will remain unanswered long…
International Conference of Shluchos
More than 1200 women attended the Gala Banquet Dinner of the International Conference of Shluchos 5763/2003 last night, January 26. The Conference, which began this…
Jewish Astronuat Takes Mitzvah Into Space
The Shuttle Columbia launched successfully this morning January 16, to the lively singing, of “Oseh Shalom.” Hundreds of proud Israelis swelled with joy, having arrived…
International Chabad-Lubavitch Conference Concludes Today
Filling the largest convention hall in Brooklyn beyond capacity, the 2,000-plus Chabad-Lubavitch representatives from around the world paid moving tribute to the legacy of the…
A Chasidic Evening in Rio De Janeiro
Before the introduction of Chasidism, Jews were either rich or poor, educated or ignorant, and recognized along those distinctions. Then came the Baal Shem Tov…
AJC Study Points To Chabad-Lubavitch Reach
Twenty-three percent of the Orthodox synagogues in the United States are Chabad-Lubavitch, says a recent survey by the American Jewish Committee. The study, by Jim…
A First in English: A Chasidic Discourse Composed in 1869
Are you living an illusion? “There is none else but G-d”—a cardinal principle of Chabad Chasidic theology, speaks to the Divine omnipresence that renders all…
The Fifth Commandment
S. PAUL, MN—They came from unaffiliated backgrounds, observant homes and everything in between. But one thing the forty teenagers who’ve just completed the 2002 Bais…
Camp Gan Israel Launches 37th Year
With the start of the Chabad-Lubavitch Camp Gan Israel’s 2002 summer season this week, thousands of children around the world will participate in a day…

July 26–Few overnight camp directors would have missed a small news item about a whopping $11.2 million grant to the Federation of Jewish Camps (FJC)…
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