Monday, / March 10, 2025
Posts by: Baila Olidort
274 Results
Abandoned in Kharkiv? Community in Crisis Struggles for Survival
Kharkiv’s Jewish community’s leaders are holding together a now fragile phenomenon, working to maintain the infrastructure, the programs and services they’ve painstakingly established to raise…
Sweden’s Court Hears Case for Religious Freedom, Again
As Europe marked 70 years since the liberation of Auschwitz, Sweden's Chabad representatives were in court defending their children's right to a Jewish education.
Celebrating Radical Change With Chabad-Lubavitch
The banquet dinner, an elaborate, dramatic affair, is in itself no small nod to the challenge of radical transformation:
Terror in Jerusalem and the Danger of Ambivalence
I howled loudly because even Shakespeare, lyrical master that he was, knew that some offenses are so odious they cannot be contained in words. This…
A Conversation With Rabbi Jonathan Sacks (Podcast)
In the following conversation, former Chief Rabbi of Great Britain, Jonathan Sacks, speaks with Baila Olidort, Editor-in-Chief of Lubavitch International and on current concerns: Anti-Semitism, Jewish…
Rosh Hashana: Remembering the Past, Committing the Future
Like Kafka’s father, parents often come too late to the realization that whereas their own memories may have served them well, they could not be…
Donetsk Jews in Exile: Pray for Us
Back in Donetsk, an eerie emptiness has replaced the noisy, boisterous JCC. The school building is closed, as is the kosher restaurant. A few Jews…
Sweden’s Jewish Leadership: We Will Stand Strong
One elderly resident of a local nursing home, originally from Hungary, was brought to tears when 11-year-old Ari Raskin, the son of Budapest’s Chabad representatives,…
The Rebbe’s Father: The 70th Yahrzeit
Jewish communities worldwide will this Shabbat (20 Av) be marking the 70th yahrzeit of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson (1878-1944), the father of the Lubavitcher Rebbe,…
Strong Attendance at Europe’s Jewish Summer Camps
"We take all precautionary security measures, but we will not hide, nor will we disguise ourselves, or remove our kippah when we are outside, as…
Dreams of Deliverance: To Want (Moshiach) Differently
For forty years he bore the burden, resuscitating a ravaged people after its near annihilation. And now, as he surveyed the state of the nation,…
Interview Part II, Sarah Korn: Mother, Mentor, Marriage Counselor
"Woman’s influence is deeper, it helps people access their own selves. I take a motherly role."
Interview Part I: Korns on Campus at NYU
A former Deadhead, now the Chabad rabbi at NYU, speaks candidly about the detours he took on his search, and what drove him to Chabad.
At Chabad House Bowery, NYU Students Lead
At Chabad House Bowery, NYU's Jewish students get to test their acquired skills and exercise their creative talent towards building a dynamic Jewish community on…
After Long Negotiations, A “Compromise” To Remember Holocaust Victims as Jews
In a compromise between the Jewish community and local government, the plaque now identifies Zmievskaya Balka as the site of the largest mass killing of…
Ruderman Family Foundation Partners With Chabad For Inclusion
The partnership will allow Chabad to break new ground and focus on including people with disabilities so they can participate in mainstream religious programs, services…
Bim, The Boy From Nepal
He’s the good looking, buoyant 12 year old Nepalese boy who greets visitors to Katmandu’s Chabad House with a huge smile: “Hi I’m Bim, the…
Russian Jews of Brighton Beach, At Home With FREE
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Jew Meets Jew
Simon Gronowski, 82, never wrapped tefillin. Orphaned, with no parents or siblings before he turned 13, he had no bar mitzvah. Now he was reluctant.…
Who Was Ari Halberstam? 20 Years Since Terror Strikes On the Brooklyn Bridge
Ari Halberstam was the child who sat in his lap and played at his feet—the closest semblance of a grandson that the Rebbe would ever…
Chabad Representatives in Ukraine Stay Put, Appeal for Help
Chabad Shluchim state-wide are struggling to meet the growing demand on their respective programs and services while funding from local business people has dropped by…
Jewish Identity Grows On Manhattan’s Upper East Side
Sensitive to an existential void that begs a different kind of answer, some Upper East Side Jews eventually find their way to Chabad of the…
The Gravity of Intermarriage
Living in a society that celebrates religious diversity, we no longer need to apologize for the tradition and practices that set us apart as Jews.…
Chabad At Harvard Gets Serious About Jewish Humor, Identity With Dr. Ruth Wisse
Once an expression of a shared identity informed by knowledge of Torah, Talmud and cultural particularities, today, American Jews are no longer able to relate…
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