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Jews of France Cautiously Optimistic After President’s Remarks
While reaffirming France’s secular character, the President acknowledged the need to ensure that Laïcité does not infringe of the freedom of religious expression.

Radical Reform for Founder, Leader of Popular Manhattan Congregation
On a life-long spiritual quest, 72 year-old Burt Siegel, leader of the Reform Shul of New York has finally dropped anchor at Chabad of the…

A Train Crash, A Missing Spouse, A Day in the Life of Two Chabad Rabbis
A woman from the Houston was area injured in the Metro-North train crash in the Bronx. Her husband was trying to locate her. Could Chabad…

About A Good Jewish Cause
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As Jews Leave Malmo, One Family Stays Put
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For São Paulo’s Impoverished, A Light of Hope, Change
A new facility now offers access to the kinds of benefits that will raise the quality of life for the city’s struggling Jewish population.

At the Games: Chanukah in the Public Arena
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Interview: On The Art of the Halakhic Process With Rabbi Chaim Rapoport
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The Banquet Dinner: Chabad Draws Support From Unexpected Allies
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What the Pew Study Didn’t Ask About Jewish Identity
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Chabad-Lubavitch: The Next Phase
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Fighting for His Life: Chabad Rep Says ALS A Test of Faith
How do you tell children that the father they adore, their beloved, invincible family superhero, has a degenerative disease that is turning ordinary functions like…
A Transformative Experience for Students at Stanford Chabad
A breeding ground for Silicon Valley innovation, Stanford University’s hi-tech environment can be intimidating. But Chabad Rabbi Dov Greenberg and his wife Rachel thrive on…

A Teacher in Paris: Rabbi Shmuel Azimov
Emissary of the Rebbe to Paris since 1968, Rabbi Shmuel Azimov, who passed away Wednesday, November 5, 2014, was credited by many for the sweeping…

Walking The Walk Of The Chabad Emissary
It's that distinct gait of Chabad Shluchim that makes it easy to pick them out in a crowd, even in a crowd of black hats.…

Next Frontier in Outreach: Young Jewish Professionals
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Editorial: Old Fashioned Values, Point Blank
It used to be that when individuals committed violent crimes against others, the rage they acted out was attributed to a deprived childhood.

BLOG: 2010 A Banner Year for Russia’s Jewish Community
It is no small irony that while Jewish populations are dwindling in European countries where Jews are made to feel unwelcome, Russia’s is thriving.

Play Now, Pay Later: Lessons From The Madoff Tragedy
With the news of Mark Madoff’s suicide, this family’s ruinous fall has grown to make it worthy of Shakespearean tragedy. Like Macbeth, this is the…

In Conversation: Chabad Representatives to Mumbai, India
This past September, Rabbi Chanoch and Leah Gechtman settled Mumbai to resume the work of Gabi and Rivky. The following is an updated interview based…

Editorial: On The Biography of A Tzaddik
Biographies on the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, who passed away on the third day of Tammuz in 1994, are making appearances in mainstream…

Sharansky to Jewish Students: Jewish Identity Key to Freedom
Natan Sharansky, chairman of the Jewish Agency for Israel, drew some 20,000 listeners as he delivered a Passover web address.

A Conversation with Ted Yale
At 23, Ted Yale is possibly the youngest candidate on record to run for Congress. The soft-spoken Pennsylvania native competing in the Republican primary for…

BLOG: About Black Boxes and Jewish Pride
Caleb Leibowitz, a reserved 17 year old yeshiva student, is hardly the type to appreciate the limelight. But he was smack in the center of…
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