Sunday, / March 9, 2025
Posts by: Baila Olidort
274 Results
From Pasadena to Rostov-on-Don: A Jewish Family Makes A Radical Move
In ways they never anticipated, Americans across the entire economic spectrum have radically lowered their living standards in the past two years.
Major Jewish Philanthropist Explores Chabad’s Russian Roots
Guma Aguiar is making up for lost time. Last week, the young billionaire sprinted through blizzard conditions in Russia and Ukraine, tracing the early history…
Despite Economic Woes, Ohr Avner Network Thrives
( On September 1, 2009, 14,000 students in the Ohr Avner school system of the Former Soviet Union lined up for first bell.
A Hakafah for Daniel Pearl
The Jewish American journalist murdered by Al Qaeda terrorists in Karachi, Pakistan, in 2002, would have celebrated his 46th birthday on Simchat Torah.     …
Changing Facts on The Ground: From Cracow To New York
As Sept 11 is remembered today, memorial ceremonies will abound, as they should. But many will look for signs of change that prove that the…
The Maharal-Chabad Nexus
The Maharal had an influence on many streams of Jewish thought, including Chasidism, and especially on Chabad Chasidism. Indeed, the founder of Chabad, Reb Schneur…
THE REBBE TODAY Baila Olidort: In the last fifteen years since that day in June 1994, now referred to as Gimmel Tammuz, so much has…
50,000 To Visit Rebbe’s Resting Place in Queens
( Residents of quiet Cambria Heights, Queens, are watching neighborhood traffic swell this week as visitors begin to stream through the little house at the…
At Tulane, Jewish Student Life Grows With Chabad Family
What’s it been like here post Katrina? Tulane itself has done remarkably well since Katrina. Unlike the city itself, which has not rebounded because of…
Passover Seders With Chabad in Mumbai
( There will be seders in Mumbai this Passover.Chabad-Lubavitch rabbinical students arriving from New York in the days before the holiday, hit the ground running.…
The Way Things Were: Reflections On The Rebbe’s Birth Date
( Where were you the last time the Jewish people assembled to bless the sun? Maybe you didn’t even know about it then. The year…
In Conversation: Rabbi Moshe Meir Lipszyc
Baila Olidort: What are the most dramatic changes to the Jewish landscape here since you’ve arrived to Ft. Lauderdale 19 years ago?Rabbi MM Lipszyc: When…
In Conversation: Russia’s Chief Rabbi On Russia and the Jews Today
This is a vastly different Russia from the one you found when you arrived here in 1990. You came with your wife from a western…
What’s your response to Loving Leah and its promotion on the The View?As an actress and a Jewish woman, I can tell you that if…
Torah Study, Then and Now
( For all the blessings of the internet age—and they are enormous—this generation may spell the end of certain social conditions vital to the existential…
Editorial: Where Wills Collide, Israel Survives
I have a fantasy that I can’t resist, and it returns to me with enhanced details whenever I see Israel get squeezed by the darlings…
Employees At Largest Jewish Non-Profit in Argentina: Proud to Belong
( Like millions of administrative employees everywhere, Gabriela Cohen, a secretary at the Wolfsohn Tabicinik School in Belgrano, Buenos Aires, pulls full days answering phones,…
Portland Jewish Community Sets Sweet Precedent
( Months after a legal battle threatening Portland’s Chabad rabbi’s right to hold prayer services in his home, Rabbi Moshe Wilansky came out a winner…
Editorial: Yet Again Jerusalem Mourns
( Yet again, Jerusalem is a city in mourning. And world leaders condemn. How quickly they forget. We’ve been here before. Yesterday’s murder of innocent…
A Once Derided Jewish Ritual Now In High Vogue
( Back in the 1970s, women’s mikvah was something you might have heard about in hushed whispers, and then only among observant women. A private…
Soldiers and Civilians With Chabad in Hebron
Danny Cohen, Chabad-Lubavitch representative to Hebron with his wife Bat-Sheva, insists that if you want to experience Hebron, you must come for Shabbat.“It’s really the…
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