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Israel File: Punctuated Grief
Few Israelis, even those whose family and friends have been spared the ravages of this war, remain unaffected. Sooner or later, everyone begins to feel…

Israel File: Living in the Moment…
On Sunday afternoon, the entire country felt the tragedy. Twelve of Israel’s reserve soldiers were killed in a direct hit by Hizbullah mortar in Kfar…

Israel File: Children, Soldiers, Heroes
The war in Israel is turning young kids into adults all too soon. Their physical wounds may heal, but the terror, blood and death will…

In the Throes of Grief, IDF Unit Finds Solace
The elite combat unit that lost nine members in last week’s battle at Bint Jbail had only a few days to mourn their dead. Yesterday,…

Israel File: A Spiritual Sendoff to the Battlefield
The tensions that typically mark the divide between religious and secular in Israel are nowhere in evidence these days. In its stead is an enveloping…

Israel File: United in Israel, United With Israel
Israel is a country at war, but the determination among all of its normally quibbling factions to end its vulnerability to terror makes it a…
The Power of Three
Coming from the Rabbi’s pulpit or the weekly editorial, the oft-touted virtues of Jewish unity and ahavat yisrael elicit the predictable yawn. But experienced in…
Passover is Over: Now What?
While Jewish rye and bagels replace matzah after the week-long Passover ban on leavened bread, social scientists might want to chew on a fifth question:…
Passover Joy Begins Early in Nepal
This tiny mountaintop kingdom has one of the largest Passover Seders in the world, with more than 2,000 guests. But getting the Passover goods onto…
International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Women in Session
The 18th annual conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Shluchos, known more simply as “the Kinus,” is in session at Lubavitch Headquarters. With more than 1700 women registered…
Even in New Orleans: A Time for Joy
When Mendy Traxler slipped the gold ring on Rachel Kaufmann’s finger under the wedding canopy last night, and when he crushed the glass underfoot to…
Jewish Children of Rome Get A New Preschool Facility
With a continuous presence of Jews from classical times to today, Rome’s Jewish community may well be the oldest one in the world. At approximately…
Chanukah Chabad Style at Camp Victory
The U.S. Army took control of Al-Faw several years ago, but there’s still something surreal about the idea of a grand Chanukah celebration at Saddam…
From the Brooklyn Bridge to the Great Wall of China: Chabad Lights Up the Skies
It’s hard to litigate against light, which explains why despite scattered attempts around the country by church- and-state purists to take down the eight-armed menorahs…
Major Revolution on Campuses Stimulated by Chabad, Declares Alan Dershowitz
Guest speaker at last night’s Gala Banquet of the International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Shluchim, Professor Alan Dershowitz spoke glowingly of the work of Chabad. Looking…
International Representation of World Jewry Convenes at Annual Conference
Conference organizers at Lubavitch Headquarters are expecting a record-breaking 3000 participants at this year’s International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Shluchim. That’s a marked increase from last…
Search and Rescue Efforts Shift Gears
My half-brother, David is still missing. The last time I spoke to him was Monday night (August 29) more than a week ago. He was…
Chabad Search and Rescue Effort Grows
Chabad’s Rescue and Relief mission is working round the clock to locate and rescue hundreds of individuals who haven’t made it out of New Orleans.…
In the Face of Katrina: A Community Persists
The indiscriminate invasion by Hurricane Katrina into the lives of its victims leaves in its wake dislocation and trauma across the board. And yet the…
A Yeshiva In Jerusalem Turns Out Literate Jews
In 2001, Kevin Shurack, a student at the University of Albany, had a job contract to teach English in South Korea. But while on a…
Chabad of Lithuania Closes A Circle
“Cast your bread upon the waters . . .” It’s in this spirit of largesse that Chabad Shluchim do their work. They teach, they care…
Amid the Pain, A Reason to Celebrate
“I feel certain that my husband is somehow present here,” said Aviva Machpod last week, as her son was called up to the Torah at…
Vienna To Revive Jewish Intellectual Life
The first Jewish university to open in Continental Europe—the Lauder Business School, has installed a new director/rabbi to run the Jewish Heritage Center on its…
A Degree, An Identity . . . and A Jewish Wedding
As cocktails and hors d’oeuvres made the rounds last night on a Tel Aviv terrace overlooking the Mediterranean sea, guests greeted one another with the…
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