Saturday, / March 1, 2025
Posts by: Dvora Lakein
228 Results
Sister Talk
( In the aftermath of Rabbi and Mrs. Gavriel and Rivka Holtzberg’s murders last November, the grieving Jewish community was intent on learning everything they…
In Late Life, Isolated Holocaust Survivors Find New Friends
( It is nearly 70 years since the start of the systematic, state-sponsored murder of over six million European Jews. Today, with anti-Semitism on a…
First Chabad Center Opens in Canberra, Australia
( These aren’t easy times for Chabad to be opening new centers, but Australia’s capital city, Canberra, welcomed its first Chabad representatives this week. Rabbi…
Coming Back for Seconds: Friday Nights with Chabad on Campus
( They come for the free food. And they come back for everything else. Students on 340 college campuses worldwide say that a highlight of…
Matchmaker, Matchmaker . . .
( When Fiddler on the Roof made its 1964 debut under the bright white lights of Broadway, theater-goers and reviewers hailed it as a period…
On Faith and Fortitude: Jewish Women Speak At Chabad International Conference
(  The International Conference of Shluchos (f. representatives) concluded Sunday at the gala banquet at the New York Hilton. As 2,900 women poured into the…
Hitting the Books: Shluchim Take Their Study to the Web
( If he is not affixing a mezuzah to a doorpost, lighting a mega-menorah, or frantically picking up last-minute groceries for a large Shabbat dinner,…
Chabad Conference Initiatives: Rivkah’s Tent
( The Midrash in Bereishit Rabbah 60 speaks of the candles that burned and the challah that remained fresh from week to week in Sarah’s…
International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Shluchos Begins Wednesday
( The International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Shluchos begins Wednesday evening at Lubavitch Headquarters in Brooklyn.  Now in its 21st year, the Conference organizers anticipate 2500…
300 Communities Unite in Shabbat Observance
( Concerns about the future of Jewish life and its continuity keep many community leaders, philanthropists and Jewish census professionals preoccupied. Overwhelmingly, it seems most…
CHABAD 2.0: The Next Generation
( With the arrival of the new first family and the 44th president of the United States into the White House last month, came a…
Timeless Perspectives on Timely Problems Rohr JLI Course Examines Civil Law Through Jewish Principles
( If a son kills his parents in order to claim their estate, does he still get to inherit? This and five other provocative issues…
Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz To Lead Jewish Unity Lectures
( With Israel at war, the recent Mumbai terrorist attacks, and other threats facing our people, Jewish unity has emerged as a potent theme and…
In Five Towns, Jewish Community Rallies Behind Chabad
( Sometimes it takes a little darkness to shed light on something so remarkable. News reports on December 25 spoke of the wreckage that a…
Chabad House in Sderot Sustains Heavy Damage, Lives Spared
( It was a clear miracle that protected Rabbi Chananel and Tzivia Pizem of Sderot from a direct hit to their home Tuesday. The Chabad representatives…
Chabad Tries to Maintain Services in Riot Crippled Greece
( After four days of widespread rioting that has brought the country's infrastructure, from transportation to banking and hospital services to a grinding halt, Rabbi Mendel and…
Chabad Representatives To Be Buried In Israel
( Three days of intense fighting and fear ended in grief Friday when the deaths of Rabbi Gavriel and Rivka Holtzberg were confirmed in Mumbai,…
Chabad Does Thanksgiving
( Though a popular grade-school history lesson, and a much-anticipated festival with all the trimmings, the story behind Thanksgiving remains a bit sketchy. Regardless of…
On Campus, A Females-Only Shabbat With Chabad
( Friday, November 21st is Michelle Bentsman’s 19th birthday. It will be her first birthday as a student at the University of Chicago. And she…
International Conference of Chabad Representatives to Lead With Theme of Jewish Unity
( Rabbi Shlomo Silverman is the new campus rabbi at Carnegie Mellon University. He and his wife arrived in late July, a mere few weeks…
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