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Chabad Opens in Morgan Hill
The city where a winning $3.5 million Mega Millions ticket, that matched five of the six numbers, was sold last month is hitting the spiritual…

Seventy-Five Years Later, Danish Locals Re-Enact Holocaust History
Seventy-five years after Denmark’s Jews were saved from the Holocaust, 100 people joined Chabad of Copenhagen’s rescue re-enactment at a Sukkot event on September 26.

Running to Renton: A New Jewish Center Opens in a Seattle Suburb
Situated a half hour drive from downtown Seattle, Renton, borders Lake Washington and has become the go-to suburb for families looking to escape Seattle’s rising…

Branching Out to Southern Utah
Chabad has been in Utah since 1992 and is now opening a third branch in the state. Rabbi Mendy and Chaya Cohen, and their two…

Site of New Hebron Neighborhood Was Purchased By Chabad In 1909
In January 1909, the fifth Chabad Rebbe, Rabbi Sholom DovBer Schneersohn (known as the Rebbe Rashab), purchased Beit Romano, a mansion and its surrounding courtyard,…

Chabad of Hunterdon County Breaks Ground
Last week, the Hunterdon County’s Jewish residents broke ground on a $4.7 million Jewish community center. The 17,000-square-foot Yakov and Hava Telyas Chabad Jewish Center…

New Chabad Representatives to Duluth, Edge of the Great Lakes
Minnesota’s port city on the shores of Lake Superior is will soon have new Chabad representatives. Rabbi Mendy and Tirtza Ross and their two children…

New Chabad Opens In Downtown Raleigh, North Carolina’s Capital City
What motivates young couples to pick up and move from their families and comfort zones to an unfamiliar place—without convenient access to Jewish resources—to build…

Where There’s Peet’s Coffee, There You’ll Also Find Chabad
On their first wedding anniversary, next month, Rabbi Mendy and Menucha Blank will be moving to the S. Francisco Bay area to open Chabad of…

First Chabad for Singer Island
It’s a long way from Sweden’s cold winters where Rabbi Berel Namdar grew up. He and his wife Tzivia, originally from Tennessee, are moving to…

Washing Cars For Charity
Instead of spending their summer break traveling, relaxing, or taking a seasonal job, the teens at Chabad of Orange County’s CTeen are using their free…

Chabad on Call
Among the many resources Chabad on Call offered at the event—like specialty prayer pamphlets, psalms booklets and meaningful cards—a new cultural sensitivity course was introduced.…
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