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Jerusalem, A City of Peace
This Sunday (July 1) is the 17th of Tammuz, a day of fasting and prayer that commemorates the destruction of Jerusalem. Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky, Chairman…
Not For Perks And Benefits
Chabad moved to Iceland this month, marking the 100th country/territory exposed to Chabad's reach. Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky, Chairman of Chabad-Lubavitch Educational/Social Services, describes the motivation…
Remembering Summer 1956
Sixty one years ago this summer, Friday morning, July 13,1956, concluding the two weeks in Europe, we flew from Rome to the Holy Land.
A Passover Message for Today
Let us come together at the Seder table, and celebrate the dignity, the humanity, the goodness and the G-dliness that unite us.
Pursuing the Path of Peace
Empowered by the Rebbe’s vision, inspired by the Rebbetzin’s devotion and guided by the Torah, the ways of Chabad shluchos, together with their husbands, are…
Moving Forward
“Pray for the welfare of the government, for were it not for the awe of it, men would swallow one another alive.” (Ethics of the…
Diary: Italy 1956-2016
I was a rabbinical student then, and traveling with me were nine of my fellow students. The Rebbe had sent us on a mission to…
Editorial: Decoding a “Fleeting Chirp”
Simply stated: Science has now discerned and confirmed that emanating gravitational forces caused by collisions trillions of light-years away can reach us here on earth,…
Contested In The Courts, Public Menorahs Now Inspire Unity
High ranking Government officials in just about every important capital in the world are honored to participate in these public events.
Survivors of Terror Unite World Jewry in Wedding
"We cried with you as you grieved over the brutal loss of your beloved father Yaakov and brother Netanel ה׳ יקום דמם." From a letter…
A Better World for Our Children?
Iran has made it clear that Israel is its primary target, but it has been just as emphatic in insisting that it is not its…
Reflections On Leadership
A true leader, said the Rebbe, must selflessly put aside any personal interests when confronted with adversity, and be concerned only for the community and…
Partnerships For Jewish Life
There’s been no dearth of data on the sharp decline in Jewish giving and its steady downhill slide, a fact that is forcing major Jewish…
After Twenty Years
To be Jewish, the Rebbe taught, is to care about matters great and lofty, but only insofar as they make us more attentive to the…
On Jewish Women, Education, Philanthropy
( Rebbetzin Chaya Moussia, wife of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, took great personal interest in the well being of the Shluchim and Shluchos, and truly regarded…
Editorial: And the living shall take heart . . .
( The terrorist siege of the Chabad House and the brutal murders of our Shluchim in Mumbai have made Chabad-Lubavitch the object of an extraordinary…
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