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Beyond the Limitations of the Classroom
Why are children often so resistant to rules, and why is the threat of punishment, or the promise of reward so often ineffective? According to…
By S. Olidort
A New Torah in Dixieland
When Dave Lerner settled in the small town of Lincolnton, near Charlotte, North Carolina, in the early 1920’s, the prospects for any sustained Jewish future…
By S. Olidort
Honoring the Rebbe’s Legacy
Some three thousand yeshiva students from around the world have joined in a global campaign of Torah study to honor the Rebbe’s legacy. The campaign…
By S. Olidort
Honoring the Rebbe’s Legacy
The campaign is one of many ways that Jewish communities and individuals worldwide are preparing to honor ninth anniversary of the passing of Lubavitcher Rebbe,…
By S. Olidort
Israel Ministry of Education Awards Chabad School
Last Sunday, in a high-profile, well attended ceremony at Jerusalem’s Israel Museum, the Israeli Ministry of Education presented Chabad’s Beit Chaya Girls School of Haifa…
By S. Olidort
Israel’s Ministry of Education Awards Chabad Girls School of Haifa
last Sunday, in a high-profile, well attended ceremony at Jerusalem’s Israel Museum, the Israeli Ministry of Education presented Chabad’s Beit Chaya Girls School of Haifa…
By S. Olidort
A Leap of Faith for the Rationalist
What would compel a self-proclaimed agnostic “with zero faith in religion or G-d,” who placed the worship of a culture of secular humanism above all…
By S. Olidort
Challah ‘N Grits
Three hundred people gathered last week in Birmingham, Alabama, to witness the final letters being filled into a new Torah scroll—a first for the Yellowhammer…
By S. Olidort
Jewish Life in a Gothic Wonderland
It’s an intense, highly competitive campus located in a city that lays claim to the most PhDs per capita nationwide, a university where students come…
By S. Olidort
Saved by Shabbat
“Saved by Shabbat,” says Chabad Rabbi Leib Raskin, referring to the miracle that occurred in Casablanca on the fateful Friday evening two weeks ago. Earlier…
By S. Olidort
A Celebration at 12 Pushkinskaya Street
If the walls at 12 Pushkinskaya Street could talk, what would they say? It would be a heart-wrenching tale of tears, hope, and broken trust,…
By S. Olidort
Jewish Clubhouse at Yale
It was the latest buzz on a busy campus this year. Dubbed 3M, (no, it’s not the innovative technology company), for its suite number in…
By S. Olidort
Turning 12, Turning Serious
It’s an exclusive camp, so exclusive in fact, that eligible campers have but a once-in-a lifetime chance to get in. Open only to Jewish girls…
By S. Olidort
Global Warming
On Friday May 30th, at 18 minutes to sundown, a little girl in Oklahoma City will light her first Shabbat candle ever. Down the block…
By S. Olidort
On a Mediterannean Island: Jews Revisit Judaism
Last Wednesday marked the first time in three decades that residents of Cyprus were allowed to cross from one side to the other of their…
By S. Olidort
Manischewitz Partners with Chabad
In a unique partnership between Chabad and the New York-based Manischewitz company, ten tons of Matzah reached Lithuania’s 6,000 Jews in time for Passover. Donated…
By S. Olidort
Yiddishkeit Finds a Home at Harvard
The Spangler Center at Harvard Business School, a central meeting point for the movers and shakers of the international economy, was host last Sunday to…
By S. Olidort
American Legal Cases: Lawyers Examine the Talmudic Angle
NEW YORK CITY–What rights does a non-custodial parent have, according to Jewish law? How does Jewish law evaluate the damages caused by an incurred physical…
By S. Olidort
The Sound of Jewish Music
It was November 1938, a few days before Kristallnacht, when Cantor Heinrich Schwarzwald led the final services at Offenbach’s main Synagogue. He recalls beseeching the…
By S. Olidort
A Seder to Go: By Land By Air By Sea
For a country that prides itself on its separation of Church and State, the United States makes an unusual exception in matters relating to the…
By S. Olidort
The Joy of Passover in Argentina
“Some 7,500 Jews will celebrate Passover in Argentina this year,” says Rabbi Tzvi Grunblatt, director of Chabad-Lubavitch in Argentina, which is organizing more communal Seders…
By S. Olidort
On Manhattan’s Upper West Side: A Great Lab of Jewish Learning
When Amy Weil began looking into preschools for her son Sasha, then two and a half years old, there were lots of options. Chabad, she…
By S. Olidort
Purim In the Alps
Nestled in the geographic heartland of Switzerland, surrounded by the panorama of the Swiss Alps, Lucerne, dubbed “a pearl in the world’s most beautiful oyster”…
By S. Olidort
You Have A Home In Midtown Manhattan
What to do when you land a job an hour away from home, in Midtown Manhattan, on Purim day? Michal Silverman, a freelance writer from…
By S. Olidort
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