Friday, / March 28, 2025
Posts by: Staff Writer
435 Results
Leading with Autism
Gedaliah Shaffer wasn’t thrilled when his mother enrolled him in Shrub Oak International School. His mother, Liba Shaffer, was herself ambivalent about the decision. But…
Remembering the Rebbe’s Father
Today marks the passing of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson
Ep. 47: Putting “Hospitality” in “Hospital” At Mayo
Chabad-Lubavitch Headquarters presents Episode 47 of its podcast series about the personal struggles and achievements of Chabad representatives
Tisha B’Av: Remembering for a Better Future
This evening, Jews around the world will remove their shoes, begin a 25-hour fast, and sit low on the floor in the manner of mourners.
Anniversary of Rebbe’s Liberation from Soviet Prison
Today, on the Jewish calendar, marks the 97th anniversary of the miraculous liberation of the late Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Joseph Isaac Schneersohn, from Soviet prison.
Connecticut Senate Pays Tribute to the Rebbe
Reps from the State’s 26 Chabad Centers Gather in Capitol for Tribute, Celebration of Jewish Spirit
The Rebbe’s Yahrzeit
The life of a tzaddik is not a life of the flesh, but a spiritual life consisting wholly of faith, awe, and love of G‑d.
Today in Jewish History: The 83rd Anniversary of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Arrival in America
Today marks 83 years since the safe arrival of the Rebbe and his wife, on the shores of America after escaping from Europe.
Ep. 45: Creating Jewish Ambassadors in the KKK’s Backyard
The 45th episode in its series about the personal struggles and achievements of Chabad representatives
Today In Chabad History: Bais Iyar
Today in Chabad History: Today is Bet (2) Iyar, the birthday of Rabbi Shmuel of Lubavitch, also known as the Rebbe Maharash. Rabbi Shmuel was…
Ep. 44: The Black Fedora in the Cowboy State
The 44th episode in its series about the personal struggles and achievements of Chabad representatives
The Haggadah Collection At The Library Of Agudas Chassidei Chabad
The prestigious Haggadah collection of Chabad’s Central Library began in December 1924, when the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, acquired the collection of…
Seders To Remember: Pickpocket At The Prison Seder
Rabbinical students travel the world, bringing the entire Seder to Jews who live far from the madding crowds. Here are some glimpses of their experiences.
Five Communal Leaders Share Their Dream Seder Guest
We asked Chabad representatives to tell us which biblical, Talmudic or medieval personality they'd like to have at their Seder table.
More Questions For The Seder Table
Jewish people love to ask questions. As part of the Passover tradition, we ask four at the Seder table. We asked four Chabad representatives our…
JewQ International Championship Puts Jewish Learning Onstage
Shifra Reuben wasn’t always this excited about Jewish learning. But that changed when she joined 1,000 others from 25 countries at the Ckids Shabbaton. The…
Serving G-d and Country: Senator Joe Lieberman
Senator Joe Lieberman, who died March 27, 2024 at the age of 82, was the most prominent Torah-observant politician. He kept Shabbat throughout his storied…
Rachel’s Cookies: The Treats that Defeated Terrorists
When terrorists stormed into Rachel Edri’s home in Ofakim, Israel on October 7, taking her and her husband hostage and barricading themselves in her home,…
Ep. 43: A Sub-Saharan Brit Milah
The 43rd episode in its series about the personal struggles and achievements of Chabad representatives
Around the World, it’s Purim in Israel
Chabad Centers Showcase Jewish Connection to the Holy Land with Israel-Themed Purim Events
Jewish Service Members Convene for Shabbat Renewal
Chabad’s Aleph Institute Welcomes Jewish Members of the Military for Five Days of Renewal
After Two Years of War, Kyiv Chabad Dedicates New Mikvah
“Simcha” Jewish Community Celebrates Jewish Recovery Amid Crisis
“Self-Serve” Tefillin Stands Coming to A Shop Near You
It’s not what you expect to find at Stop&Shop or a Winn-Dixie
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